a, b, Schematics illustrating pinching (a) and stroking (b) stimuli. c, ROIs used for imaging in (d-i). Green rectangle (upper right) is region for background subtraction. Scale bar, 9 μm. d, Superimposed traces from different color-coded ROIs (c) in a single trial consisting of 4 pinch stimuli (gray bars). e, Average response to pinching in a single animal (n=4 trials, 7 stimuli total). See also Supplementary Fig. 5a-e. f, Response to 4 brushing stimuli (gray bars) delivered to pinch-sensitive digit (d), in same ROI (c). See also Supplementary Fig. 9g-l. g, Average response to brushing (n=1 mouse/2 trials, 7 stimuli). h, i, MPI ΔF/Fpeak (upper) or integrated area (lower) from curves in (e, g), respectively. Open and filled bars are 5 frames before and 40 frames after stimulus delivery, respectively (see Supplementary Note 9). j, MPI ΔF/Fpeak in two different ROIs (red and turquoise bars) from each of three mice. See also Supplementary Table 2.