Table 2.
Corpus | Description | PubMed | WoS | Fusion |
Tropho |
Corpus about trophoblast, extraembryonic tissues and choriocarcinoma |
20,132 |
25,702 |
33,798 |
HuMo |
Corpus about human/proliferation and mouse/development |
111,862 |
Subcorpus name |
TroBo |
trophoblast and bovine |
409 |
473 |
583 |
ChoBo |
choriocarcinoma and bovine |
33 |
27 |
39 |
ExBo |
extraembryonic tissues and bovine |
47 |
39 |
58 |
TroHu |
trophoblast and human |
4,976 |
4,762 |
6,336 |
ChoHu |
choriocarcinoma and human |
2,023 |
1,745 |
2,553 |
ExHu |
extraembryonic tissues and human |
519 |
417 |
623 |
TroMo |
trophoblast and mouse |
1,724 |
1,478 |
2,064 |
ChoMo |
choriocarcinoma and mouse |
268 |
181 |
308 |
ExMo |
extraembryonic tissues and mouse |
1,081 |
928 |
1,252 |
TroRa |
trophoblast and rat |
564 |
492 |
701 |
ChoRa |
choriocarcinoma and rat |
156 |
123 |
191 |
ExRa |
extraembryonic tissues and rat |
124 |
90 |
154 |
TroHo |
trophoblast and horse |
59 |
66 |
82 |
ChoHo |
choriocarcinoma and horse |
5 |
3 |
6 |
ExHo |
extraembryonic tissues and horse |
8 |
7 |
12 |
TroPig |
trophoblast and pig |
206 |
178 |
263 |
ChoPig |
choriocarcinoma and pig |
8 |
4 |
8 |
ExPig |
extraembryonic tissues and pig |
29 |
28 |
36 |
TroShe |
trophoblast and sheep |
376 |
357 |
505 |
ChoShe |
choriocarcinoma and sheep |
21 |
19 |
25 |
ExShe | extraembryonic tissues and sheep | 44 | 47 | 60 |
Number of processed documents per corpus and subcorpus.