Figure 6.
Cardiac neural crest cells migrate normally into the embryonic cbs/cbs heart. (A,B) Arrowheads indicate AP2α-positive (red) cardiac NCC migrating along the third pharyngeal artery in both wild type (+/+) and cbs/cbs E10.5 embryos. ‘*’: The lumen of the the pharyngeal artery with nucleated red blood cells (A). (C,D) High magnification view of migrating cardiac NCC in the same area shown in (A,B). AP2α-positive cells (red) are colabelled with the following markers to demonstrate the presence or absence of cilia: anti-γ tubulin (green) to label the basal body, and anti-Arl13b to label the ciliary axoneme (white). (C) Arrowheads indicate primary cilia born by AP2α-positive cells. (D) Arrowhead indicates a cilium born by an AP2α-negative cell. (A-D) Embryos were cut transversely, dorsal is to the top, lateral to the right. Sections were stained with DAPI to label nuclei. (E,F) Sox10 WISH on E10.5 wild type (+/+, E) and cbs/cbs (F) embryos demonstrate cardiac NCC (arrows) migrating along the third pharyngeal artery into the heart tube in both genotypes. Scale bars: A,B, 100 μm; C,D, 10 μm; E,F, left panels: 500 μm, right panels: 200 μm. cbs, cobblestone; DAPI, 4’-6-diamidino-2-phenylindole; E10.5,embryonic day 10.5; NCC, neural crest cells; WISH, whole mount in situ hybridization.