Figure 3. Rad51 recruitment to AID on- and off-targets.
(A) Rad51 accumulation on the upper (+) and lower (−) strand at the Igh locus of IgκAID-53BP1−/− activated B cells. (B) Rad51 (blue), RPA (red), and translocation profiles at Mir155 and Cd83 genes in chromosomes 16 and 13 respectively from IgκAID-53BP1−/− B cells. (C) Chromosomal translocations (TSS +/− 2kb) involving Igh or Myc at Rad51-recruiting genes. Chromosomes 12 and 15 carrying the I-SceI sites were excluded from the analysis. Correlation between the two datasets is calculated using Spearman’s ρ. (D) Rad51 levels (TSS +/− 2kb) at RPA+ and RPA− genes in IgκAID-53BP1−/− B cells.