Table 2.
Benign calcaneal lesions
Case number | Presented (year) | Histological diagnosis (secondary change) |
Spectrum | Sex/age (years) | Treatment |
1 | 1992 | IOL | Latent | F/44 | ILC and BG |
2 | 1985 | UBC | Active | M/17 | ILC |
3 | 1988 | UBC | Active | M/21 | ILC and BG |
4 | 1987 | UBC | Active | F/34 | Conservative |
5 | 1997 | UBC | Active | M/20 | ILC, steroid |
6 | 2007 | UBC | Active | M/13 | ILC and BG |
7 | 2009 | UBC | Active | F/23 | ILC and BG |
8 | 1994 | OO | Active | F/23 | ME |
9 | 2005 | OO | Active | F/15 | ME |
10 | 1979 | OC | Active | M/16 | ME |
11 | 1967 | OC | Active | M/57 | ME |
12 | 1982 | GT | Active | M/68 | ME |
13 | 2005 | CB | Aggressive | M/12 | ILC and BG |
14 | 1969 | CB | Aggressive | M/17 | ILC and BG |
15 | 2006 | CB (+ABC) | Aggressive | M/19 | ILC and BG |
16 | 2007 | ABC | Aggressive | M/23 | ILC, HSB, and BG |
17 | 2005 | ABC | Aggressive | F/14 | ILC, HSB, and BG |
18 | 1979 | CMF | Aggressive | F/13 | ILC |
19 | 2009 | OB | Aggressive | F/23 | RFA then ILC |
20 | 1954 | GCT | Aggressive | M/30 | ILC |
21 | 2008 | BFH | Aggressive | F/33 | ILC and BG |
IOL = intraosseous lipoma; UBC = unicameral bone cyst; OO = osteoid osteoma; GT = glomus tumor; CB = chondroblastoma; ABC = aneurysmal bone cyst; CMF = chondromyxoid fibroma; OB = osteoblastoma; BFH = benign fibrous histiocytoma; F = female; M = male; ILC = intralesional curettage; BG = bone grafting; ME = marginal excision; HSB = high-speed burr; RFA = radiofrequency ablation