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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2014 Feb 1.
Published in final edited form as: Complement Ther Med. 2012 Nov 29;21(1):14–28. doi: 10.1016/j.ctim.2012.11.001

Table 3.

Summary of Participant Quotes by Theme*

Physical Benefits
All DAYS WHYES P Value**
83% (35/42) 100% (12/12) 77% (23/30) 0.067
All (N=22, 52%)
D (n=9, 75%)
W (n=13, 43%)
“moved some unused muscles” (DM5)
“good, for the first time I was sore, wrists, ankles, and neck” (DM9)
“appreciation for my own body…beginning to feel more comfortable with poses….feel unfamiliar parts of my body” (DM10)
““release of tension, feeling my body respond to the poses, energy and a sense of empowerment--that there is something I can do to keep myself healthy” (DM11)
“hard to breathe when at full tension” (DM13)
“Legs in pain. But good pain…. Back of legs are sore.” (DM26)
“Was actually sore in shoulders the next day” (DM27)
“feeling and awareness of body increasing” (DM34)
“I am standing with my feet apart a lot wider than when I started…. Yoga is good. I’ve learned how to take deep breaths, lifting my toes and shifting my weight to my heel.” (DM35)
“muscles aren't as tight” (2)
“…feeling more aware of posture during the day” (6)
“more aware of posture….posture much improved, feeling of well being” (10)
“more conscious about body….have increased awareness of posture” (18)
“felt good, muscles were in better shape for dancing” (33)
“posture improved, think of posture alignment several times a day” (36)
“more aware of body through the days…. I am especially pleased the way I am able to incorporate yoga poses in the way I walk, sit, stand and go about daily activities. It has made me so much more aware.” (II 02)
“continuing to concentrate on breathing in various activities…. Trying desperately to stand correctly” (II 15)
“Learning to ‘fine tune’ postures to do more correctly…” (II 17)
“Exercises felt good, all are more natural….the back ‘flex’ feels good on more weak back muscles.” (II 20)
“noticed posture improving, more aware of standing straight, less cramping in feet” (43)
“Trying to stand and sit with more attention to my posture and breathing has been an ongoing focus of mine….felt the ‘pull’ in shoulders & knees; maybe I am aligning body parts better?” (70)
“yoga posture awareness all day…. This session, I paid particular attention to my back and did not ‘try a little harder.’ Instead, I relaxed into each pose and enjoyed its benefits” (78)
Overall fitness
All (N=8, 19%)
D (n=3, 25%)
W (n=5, 17%)
“strenuous session, worked up a sweat” (DM5)
“Pushed us to the max - best class of all [last class]” (DM25)
“Hard class, but good work out” (DM26)
“I can see the yoga is going to challenge me for a long time to come.” (II 14)
“Great workout for abs and quads. A natural deep breath occurs intermittently with relaxation. Balance improving in warrior pose, no need [for] chair.” (II 17)
“I already know I’ve improved tone and lost weight.” (33)
“Motivated me to lose weight and continue with regular exercise programs…my body is getting in shape – finally!” (64)
“I am becoming more aware of my surroundings & beginning to develop better healthy choices. For the first time in over 25 years, I am taking action to lose weight.” (II 28)
All (N=11, 26%)
D (n=3, 25%)
W (n=8, 27%)
“feel very pleased my knee has been able to bend further over course of last few weeks, good class…. Able to stretch some poses further than before, good class” (DM10)
“I recognize the added flexibility to my range of motion.” (DM34)
“learning how to stretch properly” (DM35)
“stretching felt wonderful…” (6)
“I really looked forward to the class because it helped in relaxing me and stretching muscles that had not been worked for a long time” (8)
“I enjoyed the flexibility that had returned to my body. I have noticed the difference.” (10)
“very good-especially the leg and ankle stretches” (13)
“Gaining mobility, flexibility” (II 15)
“Can touch hands over shoulder, behind back stretch!…. Really good stretching of legs today, felt results with belt and alternating leg lift poses.” (II 20)
“I was calmer and more limber after each yoga session….seemingly better fit”(45)
“Able to stretch more each time; hold each position for several minutes” (64)
the body and
All (N=11, 26%)
D (n=4, 33%)
W (n=7, 23%)
“Strengthened legs which had gotten weak because of knee arthritis.” (DM1)
“able to hold poses a little longer than previously, my bad knee is getting a little stronger….feeling more strength in my upper legs and shoulder, new poses, felt little sore from staying in poses longer in Saturday's class but I feel better about it, I know I will benefit in the long run.” (DM10)
“I wish I could do more poses- getting easier, and I feel good when finished” (DM25)
“L side stiff, upper arms slightly sore, wonderful class - I need to work on upper arm strength” (DM41)
“tough poses but I was determined, good class, sticking with it, gaining strength-I feel it, can go a little longer….good class, we're building strength and comfort”(10)
“Leg strength is increasing” (18)
“Feeling stronger” (29)
“I never thought I could do yoga poses--now I plan to incorporate yoga into my life.” (33)
“I'm finally feeling more strength in my legs - more flexible on some positions…”(II 14)
“improvement in strength to over all sense of wellbeing, creation of desire to continue personal study of yoga” (II 17)
“holding poses for longer periods of time” (64)
Deep breathing
All (N=7, 17%)
D (n=4, 33%)
W (n=3, 10%)
“refreshing workout, I felt easier, smoother breathing afterwards…able to breathe deeper” (DM10)
“What I do when I practice is count breaths and try to extend holding each pose. I do each pose sometimes 3–4 times repeated, extending the amounts of breaths with each.” (DM27)
“breathing is coming easily” (DM34)
“Great breathing - set the tone of the class” (DM41)
“…deep breathing throughout the day” (43)
“emphasis on breathing & relaxation (legs up wall) for extended time; deep breathing exercise” (78)
“15 minutes spent on breathing & trying to watch for a pattern” (II 28)
All (N=9, 21%)
D (n=1, 8%)
W (n=8, 27%)
“I was tired prior to class but after class I felt relaxed and more energy.” (DM10)
“feel really committed, doing yoga in the morning makes me feel energized” (2)
“Tired today, yoga warmed me up and was able to keep going, good class, building stamina, feel good” (10)
“Feeling more energetic” (29)
“Felt tired before coming to class, but felt better after” (34)
“I feel increased strength/ flexibility relaxed and energized!” (II 14)
“the deep relaxation felt in class and the added energy. I have more stamina, feel more centered…” (II 36)
“relaxed and energized after practice; another great session!” (64)
“following class I felt relaxed & invigorated….poses are becoming easier to get into; they are still hard work but the result is always peace and more energy….
““so wonderful to do Yoga, I was tired and joints ached, indigestion, sluggish, water retentive before class. I felt relaxed and energized following class!” (78)
Symptom relief
All (N=12, 29%)
D (n=2, 17%)
W (n=10, 33%)
“groin hurt going in, better after class!” (DM25)
“I have less joint stiffness and aches with daily Yoga practice….really helps loosen my knees after tennis… like to loosen arms + fingers too….twisting poses leave upper back sore; wall exercises help” (DM34)
“Getting to be part of my daily routine, very good, made me feel very relaxed, help my back muscles…” (2)
“yoga is helping my knees” (5)
“felt sick before class but much better after” (6)
“I'm noticing that my bunions do not hurt as much and that my feet are stronger and more flexible.” (10)
“Stretching out sore muscles from weekend gardening, felt good…. Back out. Good exercises to help stretch…. After painting, climbing ladders all weekend, I did most of the relaxation poses and stretching felt wonderful.” (II 14)
“After 4 hours of yardwork I needed it.” (II 15)
“Seems best to start day with yoga to relieve morning stiffness (right hip especially sore)…. Yoga = relief from stiffness. In divided doses doing postures to relieve stiff lower back, stretch hamstrings, open shoulders, stand straight…. Right hip is better, yoga helps.” (II 17)
“An ahha moment, pressing right heel mire in warrior pose relieves knee strain/ pain in right knee - duh!” (II 36)
“making slight adjustments in placement of hands/wrists during poses alleviates pain from arthritis / carpal tunnel syndrome” (64)
“My body doesn't have joint pain when I do Yoga! I feel stronger and better in control of my body day by day….absence of joint pain and fatigue, renewed hope!…overall joint stiffness is greatly diminished - even sciatic nerve pain is very low or negligible” (78)
Mental Benefits
83% (35/42) 83% (10/12) 83% (25/30) 1.00
Relaxation and
All (N=20, 48%)
D (n=6, 50%)
W (n=14, 47%)
“Last relaxing position is wonderful, good” (DM9)
“felt good, relaxing….starting to feel comfortable, definitely feel more relaxed…felt relaxed and happy…. I was pretty anxious, jittery all day until my yoga….after a tension filled day I practiced at the end of the day and felt much more relaxed post session…” (DM10)
“I feel more relax[ed]” (DM26)
“very relaxing…always relaxing.” (DM34)
“relaxing by laying on my back” (DM35)
“Relaxation” (DM41)
“Getting to be part of my daily routine, very good, made me feel very relaxed, help my back muscles, very good, instructor is super, makes me feel very good…. I like the way you are taught how to relax and to unwind” (2)
“I really looked forward to the class because it helped in relaxing me…” (8)
“focus on relaxing…. Nice and slow, good work out, very good-especially the leg and ankle stretches, felt rushed, relaxing after a tense week” (13)
“new skills in relaxation and ‘living in the moment…. very relaxing” (18)
“concerns about knees, feet, and weight are minimized” (33)
“very relaxing” (34)
“The class successfully convinced me of the value of yoga as a stress reliever…” (II 02)
“Much better - helped me unwind from traveling. I spent more time in relaxation poses…. Great way to unwind after a busy week.” (II 14)
“Feels best to start day with yoga and do afternoon relaxations…. Great sense of relaxation by end of class.” (II 17)
“Yoga class very relaxing” (II 20)
“felt better, tense, needed to relieve stress….stress relief/calming influence of yoga” (43)
“so relaxing” (45)
“the breathing exercises are so relaxing” (64)
“felt need for relaxation & deep breathing…. I'm not anxious; I feel good about myself” (78)
All (N=22, 52%)
D (n=7, 58%)
W (n=15, 50%)
“Felt great to be doing yoga…. Gave me a good feeling about my body.” (DM1)
“pleasantly surprised, enjoying the class….enjoyable class, very good workout” (DM5)
“more enjoyable….enjoyed the bound angle leg pose and accounts for longer practice today” (DM9)
“practice felt good” (DM13)
“Enjoyed the relaxation poses most.” (DM25)
“Enjoyed the class….[Instructor] gave a good work out. I enjoyed it very much” (DM26)
“information and yoga all very straightforward and fun” (DM34)
“enjoyable” (5)
“the "extended legs up the wall pose" is hard to get into, but it feels fantastic.” (6)
“enjoying the lying down bound angle [pose]….enjoyable” (10)
“enjoyed class” (27)
“loved first class….enjoyable” (36)
“I liked the way I felt after class” (39)
“…[liked that] yoga that was mostly not too hard for me, and feeling the benefits almost immediately” (40)
“Good, forgiving, renewing class. I need this.” (II 02)
“I enjoy my classmates as much as the yoga. Lots of fun…Exhilarating. I love [instructor].” (II 14)
“Looking forward to yoga time.” (II 15)
“Starting to feel day is incomplete without yoga and much stronger feeling within when starting day with yoga.” (II 17)
“Love the feeling after class” (II 36)
“enjoyed class, very informative, felt good” (43)
“I love this!, easier on my back this time” (45)
“enjoy every moment!…. very pleased to ‘feel’ my progress! Enjoying the quiet time I'm allowing for myself…. Excellent! So glad I'm taking time for myself!” (64)
tranquility and
All (N=8, 19%)
D (n=1, 8%)
W (n=7, 23%)
“felt calmer after session from a long day” (DM10)
“deep breathing to keep my temper” (27)
“noticed calming reactions to situations” (43)
“…learning calming techniques.” (II 15)
“Mental detachment from basement water leak…Gives sense of strength and calmness and control over life.” (II 17)
“Came in rushed - left calm” (II 19)
“Car had to be towed after class but deep breathing helped me to maintain 'my cool'.” (II 28)
“I was calmer and more limber after each yoga session” (45)
Sleep Benefits
21% (9/42) 17% (2/12) 23% (7/30) 0.634
“after a tension filled day I practiced at the end of the day and felt much more relaxed post session and slept better” (DM10)
“practice felt good, slept well…. Been sleeping great since yoga-I almost always do it just before I sleep.” (DM13)
“exercises are less strenuous, more I do the better I sleep” (2)
“slept well at night” (10)
“yoga helped relax me before sleep” (II 20)
“the deep relaxation felt in class and the added energy. I have more stamina, feel more centered and am sleeping like a baby” (II 36)
“better sleep” (45)
“doing some breathing exercises before going to sleep” (64)
“restful sleep” (78)
Dietary Benefits
14% (6/42) 8% (1/12) 17% (5/30) 0.486
“beneficial in helping me to think about what I was eating and how I was moving. I am still enthused about yoga and taking better care of myself.” (DM11)
“I seem to have suddenly lost my taste for salty and heavy food and crave vegetables” (6)
“focus on diet” (13)
“Eating habits improving…. This stuff [yoga and instructor feedback] is good for me…Back on healthy eating!” (II 02)
“Ate healthy meal & did not stuff when I felt full.” (II 28)
“Felt a noticeable difference before and after, also affected my appetite. I am able to eat less and crave carbs less.” (34)

D = DAYS (Diabetes and Yoga Study)

W = WHYES (Women’s Health, Yoga, and Education Study)


Χ2 analyses