Figure 2.
Conditions for Hopf-instabilities and the effect of propofol action. (A) threshold of Hopf-instability at 4, 10, and 15 Hz dependent on N1, N2. Panels (B,C) show parameters for Hopf-instabilities at 4 Hz dependent on N2 for which the corresponding values of N1 obey N1 < N1,min = 1.12 and (C) N1 ≥ 1.12, respectively. Panels (D,E) show parameters for Hopf-instabilities at 10 Hz for N1 < N1,min = 1.45 and N1 ≥ 1.45, respectively. In each panel (B–E) the top line reflects no oscillations, i.e., f = 0 Hz, and the bottom line denotes the corresponding stability threshold. Hence the shaded areas include parameters for which the system exhibits stable oscillations. The black solid and dotted lines reflect the situation of no anesthetic action, i.e., p = 1.0. The red-dashed line denotes the values of τ1/τ2 × p with p = 1.3. The arrows illustrate how the parameters change when anesthetic action is increased, i.e., when p is increased.