Fig. 5.
(a) Calculated contributions of soluble metals and quinones to DTT loss in a hypothetical typical PM2.5 sample. The aerosol concentration for each metal and quinone, and the corresponding rate of DTT loss from each component, was estimated based on median concentrations in ambient PM2.5 (see Sect. S2 in the Supplement for more details). The total rate of DTT loss in this hypothetical sample is 1.4 μM min−1. (b) Calculated rates of DTT loss from individual species in hypothetical extracts of PM2.5 based on reported particulate concentrations. Each diamond represents the DTT response for the average concentration of DTT-active species from a given site. Each horizontal line is the response from the median concentration of the site averages. Using the median values for all of the DTT-active species gives the DTT reactivity distribution shown in panel (a).