Table 3. Results for the association between vitamin D SNPs/allele scores and BMI from the GIANT consortium.
SNPs/Allele Scores | Gene Symbol | Per Allele Change in BMI, kg/m2 (95% CI) | p-Value |
rs12785878 | DHCR7 | 0.001 (−0.01 to 0.009) | 0.78 |
rs10741657 | CYP2R1 | −0.005 (−0.004 to 0.01) | 0.30 |
Synthesis allele score (rs12785878+rs10741657) | DHCR7 + CYP2R1 | −0.002 (−0.009 to 0.005)a | 0.57 |
rs2282679 | GC | 0.001 (−0.011 to 0.010) | 0.91 |
rs6013897 | CYP24A1 | 0.003 (−0.008 to 0.014) | 0.61 |
Metabolism allele score (rs2282679+rs6013897) | GC + CYP24A1 | 0.002 (−0.006 to 0.009)a | 0.67 |
The GIANT meta-analyses consisted of 46 studies with up to 123,865 adults of European ancestry [23], including the 1958 British Birth Cohort, Framingham Heart study, Nurses' Health Study, Twins UK, UK Blood Services Common Control Collection, the Amish Family Osteoporosis Study, Health2000 GENMETS sub-sample, and Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966, which were also part of the D-CarDia collaboration.
Calculated as described in Ehret et al. [35].