Figure 3. Epitope binning analysis of the CRP-specific scFv antibodies using SPR analysis. Overlay plots of SPR sensorgrams are arranged according to the scFv antibody injected first: LA13-IIE3 (A), LA13-IIC3 (B), and LA13-IID4 (C). All scFv antibodies were injected with saturating concentrations according to the CRP coupled CM5 sensor chip. Flow rate were kept constant throughout the measurement. The second injection of a different scFv antibody than the first one (run 4, 5, 9, 10, 14, and 15; red or blue solid lines) resulted only in an increased response signal if antigen binding of first and second scFv antibody did not interfere with each other. Injection of saturating concentrations of solely the first (runs 2, 7, and 12; gray dotted lines) or solely the second (runs 1, 6, and 11; black dashed lines) scFv antibody resulted into a response curve with typical dissociation and association pattern. Continuous injection of the first scFv antibody (runs 3, 8 and 13; green solid lines) were included as additional controls.