Figure 7. Muscle lipid metabolism markers under the HF diet.
(A) GLUT-4 mRNA levels; (B) LPL mRNA levels; (C) CPT-1b mRNA levels; (D) PGC-1α mRNA levels in the tibialis anterior muscle; (E) Muscle lipid content (relative unit); and (F) Oil Red staining performed on frozen sections of the tibialis anterior muscles from the HF diet-treated group (HF), the HF- and HU-treated group (HF-HU) and the HF- and LPS-treated group (HF-LPS) compared with the levels in the control group (CT). All results are expressed as the means±SEM for 7–9 mice per group from the HF diet-treated group (HF), the HF- and HU-treated group (HF-HU) and the HF- and LPS-treated group (HF-LPS) compared with the levels in the control group (CT). Scale bar: 50 µm. The data with different superscripted letters are significantly different based on a one-way ANOVA followed by the Bonferroni post hoc test.