Table 1.
IBD/PSC diagnosis criteria and evidence of resolution during OV for 9 patients
IBD/PSC Diagnosis Criteria | Evidence of Resolution post OV | |||||
Subject | Sex | Age | Intestinal | Liver | Intestinal | Liver |
01 | M | 10y | Acute chronic colitis of colon | Chronic hepatitis (grade 2–3) with stage 2 fibrosis | No significant abnormality in intestinal biopsies; resolution of symptoms associated with IBD | Normal bile ducts; no evidence of inflammation; normalization of LFTs |
02 | M | 16y | Acute chronic colitis and cryptitis of the cecum, transverse and descending colon with quiescent colitis in sigmoid colon and rectum | Patchy portal tract fibrosis; cholangiolar proliferation; stage III fibrosis | Normal sigmoid, decscending, and transverse colon with good vascularity; minimal inflammation in cecum | Much less inflammation and fibrosis; preservation of portal tracts and overall architecture – stage II fibrosis |
03 | M | 3y | Colonic colitis on biopsy | Biliary tract outflow obstruction; chronic active inflammation of portal biliary tree | Asymptomatic for IBD and elimination of positive IBD serology. | No significant abnormality on biopsy – normal biliary tree and liver parenchyma and no evidence of PSC |
04 | M | 7y | Moderate acute and chronic inflammation with cryptitis throughout colon and rectum | Bile ductular proliferation; focal bridging fibrosis | Colonic tissues show no significant abnormality; asymptomatic for IBD | Minimal portal inflammation without any other visible abnormalities |
05 | F | 2y | Focal acute cryptitis throughout colon | Biliary cirrhosis with prominent cholangiolar and bile ductular proliferation; bridging fibrosis | Improvement in histologic features compared to previous biopsies; asymptomatic for IBD | Improved fibrosis but not cirrhosis. Reduced FIBROSpect score from 98 to 61. |
06 | M | 13y | Diffuse chronic and focal acute inflammation of colonic tissue; erythemea and pus in rectal and colonic tissues | Multifocal narrowing and beading of right and left hepatic ducts and branches with biliary strictures; hepatic parenchymal inflammation | No blood/mucus in stools and no abnormality in frequency of stools; no abdominal pain; asymptomatic for IBD | Resolution of biliary strictures; normal liver parenchyma |
07 | F | 6y | Evidence of chronic active colitis. Lamina propria expanded and occupied by lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate. Well developed crypt abscesses | Portal and periportal fibrosis. Portal areas expanded by significant inflammatory infiltrates | No diagnostic abnormalities in histological findings | Virtually no inflammation, fibrosis involving portal regions much reduced |
08 | M | 15y | Evidence of active colitis in all large bowel biopsies, including rectum. Also evidence of active inflammation with neutrophil infiltrate and small areas of cryptitis | Mild fibrosis and lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate in portal tracts | No evidence of significant abnormality in any biopsies | Liver appears essentially unremarkable. No longer portal fibrosis or inflammation |
09 | F | 9y | Crypt architectural distortion and increased lymphoplasmacytic inflammation; consistent with chronic IBD | Portal tracts with mixed inflammatory infiltrate composed predominantly of lymphocytes, also with neutrophils around ductules and in ducts. Evidence of periportal expansion/fibrosis | Marked improvement compared to prior biopsies. Only focal, minimal acute inflammatory changes noted | Portal tracts appear overall normal. No significant inflammation |