Table 1.
Complete annotation of secondary structure defects in the stem region of wild-type pri-mir-16-1, pri-mir-30a, and pri-mir-107
Helical Imperfection | Found in | Sequence in RNA | SHAPE Detection | Single-stranded by Ribonucleases |
U bulge | pri-mir-16-1 | 34-C--G-35 80-GUC-78 |
yes | no |
U bulge | pri-mir-30a | 8-U--G-9 84-AUC-82 |
yes | no |
U bulge | pri-mir-107 | 25-CUU-27 76-G--G-75 |
yes | no |
A bulge | pri-mir-30a | 9-GAG-11 82-C--C-81 |
no | no |
C bulge | pri-mir-107 | 41-CCU-43 61-G--A-60 |
no (small hit) | no |
2-nt bulge | pri-mir-30a | 25-CCUC-28 67-GG-66 |
yes | yes |
2-nt bulge | pri-mir-107 | 16-UG-17 89-ACAC-86 |
yes | no (small hit) |
1-by-1 symmetric internal loop* | pri-mir-16-1 | 23-CCU-25 91-GAA-89 |
no | no |
1-by-1 symmetric internal loop | pri-mir-16-1 | 36-UAA-38 77-AAU-75 |
yes | yes |
1-by-1 symmetric internal loop | pri-mir-16-1 | 45-GCG-47 68-CUC-66 |
no | no |
1-by-1 symmetric internal loop | pri-mir-16-1 | 47-GUU-49 66-CUA-64 |
no | no |
1-by-1 symmetric internal loop* | pri-mir-30a | 13-GAC-15 79-UCG-77 |
no | no |
1-by-1 symmetric internal loop | pri-mir-107 | 29-UUU-31 84-ACA-82 |
no(only C hit) | no (only C hit) |
2-by-2 symmetric internal loop | pri-mir-16-1 | 18-CAGU-21 96-GGAA-93 |
no | no for T1; yes for A |
1-by-3 asymmetric internal loop* | pri-mir-107 | 21-U--C--A-23 82-ACUAC-78 |
yes | yes |
Helical imperfections that surround the Drosha cleavage site are indicated by an asterisk.