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. 2013 Jan 22;98(2):E206–E216. doi: 10.1210/jc.2012-3294

Table 2.

Phenotypic and Genotypic Characteristics of Women With IHH Treated With iv GnRH

Subject no. Age, y BMI, kg/m2 Baseline Study Partial Puberty Olfactory Phenotype Nonreproductive Phenotype Gonadotropin Levels (d 1–7)a
FSH LH Gene Variant Functional Data (Reference) Prediction Programsb
Normal response
    1 20.0 22.7 A N nIHH High arched palate, scoliosis TACR3 p.W208X Nonsense
    2 22.8 21.3 A N nIHH Neg
    3 36.9 23.5 P Y nIHH Cleft lip and palate, widely-spaced teeth Neg
    4 28.9 20.0 A N nIHH Partial empty sella N.A.
    5 36.4 28.3 P Y nIHH Marfanoid habitus Neg
    6 17.6 18.0 A N KS Ocular defect CHD7 c.3202–5 T>C (splice) 0c
    7 26.6 33.6 A Y KS Ocular defect, short fourth metacarpal FGFR1 p.L630P 4
    8 33.2 18.0 A N KS Neg
    9 38.6 25.4 P Y KS Hearing loss KAL1 p.K185N 2
    10 31.5 18.8 A N KS Neg
    11 23.0 21.7 P N KS N.A.
    12 16.8 21.5 P N KS Neg
    13 18.5 18.9 A N KS Clinodactyly Neg
    14 31.8 25.9 P Y KS Neg
    15 25.5 24.3 P Y nIHH N.A.
    16 41.9 35.6 P Y nIHH Neg
    17 28.5 22.1 P N nIHH Neg
    18 23.8 25.6 A N nIHH TAC3 p.R80S 4
    19 38.6 18.2 A N KS Flat nasal bridge, PDA, hypoplastic fifth finger (CHAR syndrome) N.A.
    20 32.2 26.5 P Y KS Neg
    21 34.8 18.1 A Y nIHH N.A.
    22 19.9 26.9 A Y KS Widely-spaced teeth CHD7 p.L373F 1
Abnormal, pituitary resistance
    23 23.4 20.9 A Y nIHH Neg
    24 27.9 21.7 P N KS Short fourth metacarpal NI FGFR1, GNRHR p.R470L; p.Q106R, p.R262 (all partiald) (26, 35, 37)
    25 39.4 42.8 A Y KS Clinodactyly, flat nasal bridge Neg
    26 30.0 23.3 A N nIHH Partial empty sella NI PROKR2 p.L173R (partial) (25)
    27 35.5 28.2 A Y nIHH GNRHR p.M1T + p.R139H (complete); p.Q106R (partial) Start codon (35)
    28 29.9 43.8 A Y nIHH Neg
    29 43.0 36.0 A Y nIHH Widely-spaced teeth Neg
    30 27.1 37.7 A Y KS NI Neg
    31 33.5 27.7 A Y nIHH N.A.
    32 17.6 26.4 A N KS Neg
    33 32.3 32.4 A Y KS Syndactyly, pes planus Neg
    34 26.7 20.1 P Y nIHH NI GNRHR p.N10K+p.Q11K (partial); p.P320L (complete) (34, 36)
Abnormal, ovarian resistance
    35 41.0 22.3 A N nIHH Neg
    36 35.9 22.8 A N nIHH Mitral valve prolapse Neg
    37 31.2 28.9 A N nIHH Cleft palate NI Neg
63-year-old woman
    38 63.0 23.5 A N nIHH PROK2 p.155fsX1 (complete) (32)

Abbreviations: A, apulsatile; KS, Kallmann's (anosmic or hyposmic IHH); N, no; N.A., DNA sample not available; Neg, negative; NI, normal; nIHH, normosmic IHH; P, pulsatile; Y, yes; ↑, high; ↓, low.


Gonadotropin levels during the first week of GnRH treatment relative to normal IHH responders.


Number of prediction programs (of 5) predicting this mutation to be deleterious.


A single prediction program, Human Splicing Finder, does not predict that this variant will alter splicing.


Refers to partial or complete loss of function.