FS(qmax, t) of the oxygen atoms of water calculated within a sphere of 30 Å radius from the COG of the lysozyme, “Lyz COG–OW ≤ 30 Å [Lyz-Tr(aq)]” (green empty diamonds), and outside this sphere, “Lyz COG–OW > 30 Å [Lyz-Tr(aq)]” (blue empty triangles) at (a)T = 300 K, (b) T = 280 K and (c) T = 260 K. The same quantities are shown for the system without trehalose, “Lyz COG–OW ≤ 30 Å [Lyz(aq)]” (grey solid squares) and “Lyz COG–OW > 30 Å [Lyz(aq)]” (orange solid circles). The results are compared with the average behaviour of the SISF in the trehalose–lysozyme system, “Lyz-Tr(aq) – Tot.” (red dot-dashed line replotted from Fig. 1) and in the system with lysozyme only, “Lyz(aq)– Tot. ” (black solid line). Lines are fits to Eq. 1 or Eq. 2 (see text).