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. 2012 Jul 1;8:17–23. doi: 10.1007/8904_2012_150

Table 1.

Genetic and clinical description of ALG6-CDG patients published from 1998 to 2011

Reported ALG6-CDG patients 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
ALG6 gene mutation c.998C>T (Homozygous and heterozygous) Paternal: c.924C>A and c.391T>C, Maternal: c.998C>T (Heterozygous) c.895-897 delATA and c.IVS3 + G>A (Heterozygous) IVS 3 + 5G>A and c.998C>T or c.680G>A (Heterozygous) c.509G>T and 1330_1332delCTT (Heterozygous) c.391T>C and c.998C>T (Heterozygous) or c.391TT>C (Homozygous) IVS3 + 3_3insT and c.998C>T (Heterozygous) IVS7 + 2T>G and 897-897-899delAAT (Heterozygous) c.338G>A and 10–12 Mb del(1)(p31.2p32.3) (Heterozygous) c.482A>G (Homozygous)
Amino acid change p.A333V(or combined with other mutation) p.S308A, p.Y131H and p.A333V In-frame deletion (delI299) and in-frame skipping Aberrant splicing and p.A333V or p.G227E p.S170I and in-frame deletion (ΔL444) p.Y131H and p.A333V or p.Y131H alone In-frame skipping and p.A333V Aberrant splicing and in-frame deletion (delI299) p.R113H and a deletion described on gDNA level p.Y161C
Neurological abnormalities
Microcephaly/macrocephaly Not reported + (microcephaly) Not reported + (macrocephaly)
Hypotonia + + + + + + + + + +
Strabismus (internal or external if mentioned) + (internal) Not reported + + + + +
Psychomotor retardation (including speech delay) + + + + + (normal speech development) + + + + +
Epilepsy + + + + + + + Not reported +
Hypokinesia/ tremors −/+ + (tremors) + (tremors) + (hypokinesia)
EEG Mostly normal Normal Abnormal Not reported Not reported Normal Not reported Not reported Normal Not reported
Brain imaging Cortical atrophy Delayed myelination, slight cortical atrophy Thin corpus callosum, mild cerebellar atrophy , mild widening of CSF spaces and ventricular system Minimal cortical atrophy Agenesis of corpus callosum (Westphal et al. 2003), cerebellar dysfunction (Miller et al. 2011) Delayed myelination, normal cerebellum Papilledema, but MRI normalized with age Hypoplastic corpus callosum and absent septum pellucidum, white matter abnormality Widening of CSF spaces and ventricular system, normal cerebellum
Optic dysfunction and/or -atrophy −/+ + + + + + (Miller et al. 2011) Not reported + +
Dysmorphism Broad nasal bridge, prominent forehead and large ears Anormal long and narrow distal limbs, inverted nipples (noted at 6.5 months) Broad nasal bridge Abnormal fingers and toes (distal phalangeal hypoplasia with shortened toes and fingers) Facial and limb abnormalities, deep set eyes, broad nasal bridge, loose skin, unusual fat distribution and other dysmorphic features Severe body and facial abnormalities, inverted nipples and broad nasal bridge
Gastrointestinal symptoms Severe protein-losing enteropathy, gastroenteritis and diarrhea Protein-losing enteropathy Gastrointestinal disturbances Peripheral edema and diarrhea, abdominal distention, protein-losing enteropathy Mild hepatomegaly
Other symptoms Poor feeding, recurrent infections Hormonal abnormalities, e.g., cortisol deficiency Poor feeding, apnea at the age of 4.5 months Abnormal endocrinological function Poor feeding (anorexia), vomiting, cardiac abnormalities, recurrent infection Apnea, cyanosis, abnormal hair growth and distribution, ovaria and hormonal abnormalities Poor feeding, cardiac abnormality: biventricular hypertrophy Poor feeding, cardiomyopathy, brachycephaly, bilateral cryptorchidism, bilateral esotropia
Reference Imbach et al. 1999 (Genotype) and Grünewald et al. 2000 (Phenotype), Körner et al. 1998 Westpal et al. 2000 (Dec) Hanefeld et al. 2000 (Phenotype) and Westphal et al. 2000a (Genotype) Imbach et al. 2000 (genotype), Du Plessis et al. 2001 (phenotype) and Schollen et al. 2002 De Lonlay et al. 2001 Westphal et al. 2003 and Miller et al. 2011 Newell et al. 2003 Sun et al. 2005 Eklund et al. 2006  Al-Qwaine et al. 2010

– : Not present

+ : Present (severity not indicated)