Fig. 1.
Immunolocalization of AQP2, AQP1, and ClC-K in transverse section from rat inner medulla, located ∼400 μm below the outer medulla. Five primary clusters (outlined by white lines) make up a single secondary collecting duct (CD) cluster. Intercluster boundaries (white lines) are determined by Euclidean distance map technique; intracluster boundaries (red lines) are polygons drawn by eye. The combined area of the intercluster regions of the five primary clusters is 0.0235 mm2 and the combined area of the intracluster regions is 0.0169 mm2 (8). Black box outlines area shown in inset. Inset: arrow indicates nearest-neighbor distance between AQP1-positive descending thin limb (DTL) and CD. Scale bars, 100 μm; inset, 25 μm. Figure modified from Ref. 30.