(a) Cumulative probability distributions for the time-to-respond (ttr) for females to reciprocate a friendship link, given the initiator was male (MF), and vice versa (FM). Probabilities fall sub-exponentially in the first 30 days, later exponentially, P(ttr ≥ t) ~ e−λt with long-time decay rates λ depending on gender pairs: Males are much faster to reciprocate female friendship initiatives (λFM = −0.0078) than the other way round (λMF = −0.0060). (b) Situation for equal sex reciprocation MM, and FF. Here reciprocation decay times are in between the MF and FM case. (c) Cumulative ttr distributions for enemy links. For enemy markings, males are considerably slower to reciprocate within the first 180 days if the initiator was a female than vice versa. (d) Situation for equal sex reciprocation of enemy links. Fit ranges are 100 to 365 days, fits of FF curves were not feasible.