Figure 3.
Two example neurons (depicted in red and black) tested on the saccadic translation task. A, Data from the start of each trial, showing presaccadic probe locations in the four conditions (left to right). Neither neuron responded to probe onset, because every presaccadic probe location was well outside the classical RF. B, Data from the end of each trial, showing the common postsaccadic probe location (always at the center of the RF). Dotted circles show presaccadic probe locations. The probes remained stable or stepped during the saccade. Data are aligned to end of the saccade. Both neurons exhibited tuning for the various step sizes. One neuron (red data) had “ramped” tuning: larger reafferent visual responses for larger steps. The other neuron (black data) had concave tuning: larger reafferent responses for midrange steps. Scales are at the bottom left of data sets; neuron labels are to the right of data sets.