Figure 4.
A) Graphical representation of Giardia lamblia Dicer homologs. Below the Giardia Dicer protein scheme are the two most homologous bacterial proteins found, and above it are the six protozoa most homologous proteins together with the human Dicer1 scheme. The representations are designed proportionally to their aa length, which is indicated below each organism’s name. The arrows alongside the figure indicate the degree of similarity to Giardia Dicer, divided into bacteria and protozoa. [Accession numbers: H. sapiens (Q9UPY3); N. gruberi (D2UZR2); T. thermophila (A4VD87); P. tetraurelia (Q3SE28); T. vaginalis (A2F201); D. discoideum (Q55FS1); P. pallidum (D3BF89); G. lamblia (A8BQJ3); R. marinus (D0MGH0); M. galactiae (D3VQS7)] B) Graphical representation of Arabidopsis thaliana DCL1 protozoa homologs: there are two N. gruberi represented in the diagram here indicated as (1) and (2). The representations are designed proportionally to their aa length, which are indicated below each name. The arrow alongside the figure indicates the degree of similarity to Arabidopsis Dicer. [Accession numbers: A. thaliana (Q9SP32); N. gruberi-1 (D2UZR2); E. siliculosus (GenBank: CBJ48587.1); T. thermophila (A4VD87); tetraurelia (Q3SD86); N. gruberi-2 (D2VEU9); P. marinus (C5LMV9)].