Table 1. Characteristics and seed dispersal effectiveness of tapirs (Tapirus terrestris) and muriquis (Brachyteles arachnoides) in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest.
Frugivore traits/role | Tapirs | Muriquis |
Max. Body mass (kg) | 250 | 12 |
Local density (ind./km2) | 2.58* | 4.11 |
Biomass (kg/km2) | 601.14 | 49.32 |
Home range (ha) | 470** | 850 |
Number of fruit species eaten | 6 | 31 |
Number of scats analyzed (N) | 49 | 106 |
Spatial seed rain | Clumped | Scattered |
% feces with seeds | 32 | 87 |
Number of plant species dispersed | 6 | 28 |
Maximum number of species per scat | 2 | 5 |
Number of exclusive species | 1 | 23 |
Maximum seed width (mm) ofdispersed seeds | 29.2 | 23.4 |
Maximum seed length (mm) ofdispersed seeds | 46.3 | 30.2 |
Mean number of seeds >2 mm/scat | 72.5±48.8 | 23.3±17.5 |
Minimum of seeds >2 mm dispersed/month/individual | 140 | 918 |
Minimum of seeds >2 mm dispersed/year | 1.680 | 11.016 |
A. Sanches, unpublished data;