Table 2. Summary of Bottle Bioassay Results; KDT-50 and Resistance Ratios for Cx. quinquefasciatus TRI (susceptible) and Muheza strains (resistant).
Insecticide | Dosage | Number tested | % Mortality | 95% Confidence Intervals |
Lambdacyhalothrin | 0.05% | 208 | 97 | (95–99) |
Permethrin | 0.75% | 207 | 100 | (100–100) |
Bendiocarb | 0.10% | 200 | 99 | (98–100) |
Malathion | 5% | 200 | 100 | (100–100) |
Time taken (minutes) for 50% of mosquitoes to be knocked-down (KDT-50) during exposure in 250 ml glass bottles treated with 10 µg/ml permethrin alone (no synergist) or mixed with synergists PBO, DEF or PBO+DEF (n = 100 for each treatment).