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. 2013 Feb 7;9(2):e1003153. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1003153

Table 2. Maternal and cord amino acid concentration.

Uninfected (n = 31) PM without IV (n = 11) PM with IV (n = 28)
Maternal levels Cord levels Maternal levels Cord levels Maternal levels Cord levels
(µM) (µM) (µM) (µM) (µM) (µM)
Non essential AA
Alanine 387.19BBB 584.66BB 319.62 510.25 295.14 464.59
(301.2–438.72) (458.74–685.69) (250.66–354.37) (478.85–754.49) (213.38–358.48) (396.84–557.17)
Arginine 23.9 48.39 24.55 48.3 28.28 47.79
(19.83–39.85) (33.48–69.61) (14.87–26.59) (30.83–79.52) (20.46–38.63) (38.15–59.75)
Asparagine 25.66AA 51.01A 29.17 55.78 24.97 52.01
(21.34–28.84) (44.4–57.45) (23.85–33.47) (42.41–97.69) (20.26–33.09) (45.07–68.58)
Aspartic acid 7.82AA,BB 30.74AA 9.97 35.46C 9.32 29.05
(4.91–8.98) (15.32–37.41) (9.26–12.12) (17.74–128.17) (7.89–13.3) (13.91–54.83)
Cystine 5.8AA 24.05 9.69C 24.38 6.87 21.07
(4.35–8.08) (18.49–34.12) (8.15–14.99) (16.33–40.88) (4.33–9.53) (17.02–27.61)
Glutamic acid 57.23 180.16AA 63.07 253.06C 47.75 153.32
(44.86–78.64) (126.76–233.05) (46.3–79.45) (116.1–603.27) (41.56–72.26) (113.26–243.11)
Glutamine 373.47 587.38 400.77 529.58 376.39 551.4
(314.88–452.59) (515.16–663.18) (340.06–442.36) (500–754.6) (304.86–468.22) (486.81–686.83)
Glycine 130 264.17A 125.43 313.28 118.76 283.75
(98.37–148.81) (240.36–328.57) (107.69–143.34) (236.6–399.44) (96.48–135.31) (233.35–350.15)
Proline 136.16 200.91 146.15 236.93 150.53 218.55
(116.3–160.3) (178.81–230.77) (132.4–189.45) (169.67–269.92) (122.2–174.31) (184.3–276.45)
Serine 72.81 139.12 77.09 135.57 75.53 128.23
(60.88–87.44) (123.79–163.95) (63.16–89.33) (117.59–217.13) (62.53–87.69) (118.49–160.1)
Tyrosine 36.56 78.75 36.8 73.05 35.23 70.84
(32.92–43.1) (68.12–86.43) (30.8–44) (65.96–96.54) (30.34–42.56) (59.06–85.63)
Essential AA
Histidine 58.22 93.72 60.28 83.3 57.52 94.69
(48.19–66.74) (85.42–102.77) (56.03–69.09) (80.66–108.18) (47.26–68.38) (82.02–105.39)
Isoleucine 31.78 61.57 34.46 77.1 34.22 65.33
(27.11–36.4) (54.66–75.37) (29.19–39.11) (50.01–83.8) (26.8–42.53) (51.87–78.01)
Leucine 62.19BB 128.19AA,BB 66.15 145.77 78.64 143.38
(55.99–78.88) (109.2–149.33) (62.36–81.59) (99.8–209.07) (60.01–93.25) (106.89–179.13)
Lysine 74.96 242.63 78.24 232.63 88 266.57
(64.46–92.91) (210.63–281.02) (61.61–117.25) (183.25–294.91) (69.21–114.05) (186.11–311.82)
Methionine 18.14 34.73B 16.45 36.6C 18.55 30.67
(14.56–23) (29.37–38.73) (14.73–23.92) (30.28–41.8) (14.31–22.05) (26.58–37.47)
Phenylalanine 37.78BBB 83.98AA,BBB 39.42 91.58 47.72 92.39
(35.11–44.69) (72.29–89.41) (35.72–53.66) (77.14–122.06) (39.37–59.26) (79.22–115.6)
Threonine 93.89 176.51 107.22 176.59 101.9 180.12
(73.61–111.96) (147.92–198.51) (88.14–121) (155.41–221.22) (78.83–117.47) (146.41–207.05)
Tryptophan 4.13AAA 5.53AAA 6.47 9.66CCC 5.32 6.08
(2.81–6.16) (4.09–7.72) (3.81–12.78) (6.75–15.51) (3.78–8.1) (4.21–7.65)
Valine 93.51BBB 194.54BBB 102.62 232.04 114.8 217.62
(84.33–101.04) (168.31–216.49) (80.17–127.46) (157.56–234.44) (93.84–136.63) (186.64–261.6)
Total AA 1744.68 3263.84A 1741.41 3353.38 1806.95 3128.61
(1478.9–1917.1) (2872.7–3625) (1566.2–2043.2) (2692.9–4092.5) (1441.8–1965.5) (2828.7–4026.6)

Free amino acid concentration was quantified (in duplicate) in paired maternal and cord blood samples and expressed as median (interquartile range). PM: Placental malaria; IV: intervillositis. Key to statistical analysis:


 = Uninfected versus PM without IV;


 = Uninfected versus PM with IV;


 = PM without IV versus PM with IV. One symbol = 0.05<p≤0.1; two symbols = 0.01<p≤0.05; three symbols = p≤0.01.