Table 3.
MNLFA Estimated Symptom Psychometric Properties*
Symptom | Observed Probability of Endorsement | Intercept | Loading | Estimated Probability of Endorsement for ND severity score =1 | |
Withdrawalb | .18 | .49 | −10.78 | 5.52 | .01 |
Withdrawal symptoms uncomfortable/upsetting/interfere w/work, social activitiesb | .11 | .47 | −8.80 | 4.42 | .01 |
Smoke to keep from feeling withdrawal symptomsb | .18 | .51 | −8.25 | 4.19 | .02 |
Smoke despite promising yourself not to | NA | .60 | −2.61 LF −2.33WF −3.88 DF |
1.78 | .30LF .37WF .11DF |
Use more frequently than intended b | .31 | .58 | −3.02 | 1.92 | .25 |
Tried to cut down/quit but could not | .44 | .47 | −3.48N −5.30 S |
2.57 | .29 N .06 S |
Chain smoking b | .32 | .37 | −4.15LQ −3.37MQ −2.58HQ |
1.73 | .08 LQ .16 MQ .30 HQ |
Give up activities to use b | .07 | .17 | −5.03 | 1.59 | .04 |
Health problem | .45 | .44 | −1.88N,LQ −1.22 N,MQ −0.54 N,HQ −3.00N,LQ −2.33 N,MQ −1.65 N, HQ |
0.87LF 1.48WF 1.84DF |
.27 N,LQ,LF .11 S,LQ,LF .41 N,MQ,LF 19,S,MQ,LF .58 N,HQ,LF .31,SHQ,LF .49 N,LQ,DF .24S,LQ,DF .65 N,MQ,DF.38S,MQ,DF .79 N,HQ,DF .55S,HQ,DF |
Emotional problem b | .14 | .35 | −5.52 | 2.39 | .04 |
Strong desire to smoke | NA | .41 | −6.97 | 3.21 | .02 |
Need to smoke more to feel satisfied b | .14 | .59 | −1.29 | 1.37 | .52 |
Need to smoke more to feel effects | NA | .72 | −3.48 LF −7.00WF −6.05 DF |
2.04 | .19 LF .02 WF .01 DF |
Increased use by 50% or more | .15 | NA | −4.25 | 1.69 | .07 |
Note. In the mixed model parameterization, higher (more positive) intercepts reflect lower severity, and higher loadings reflect greater discrimination.
NA = not measured. Superscripts indicate parameter estimates for study (N=NESARC; S=SECASP), smoking quantity (LQ=low quantity (−1 sd), MQ=mean quantity, HQ=high quantity (+1 sd)), and smoking frequency (LF=less than weekly smoking, WF=weekly, DF=daily smoking).
Using the Benjamini-Hochberg correction for multiple significance testing.
Low endorsement rate prohibited tests for DIF.
Significantly different (p<.05) symptom prevalence rates between studies based on bivariate chi-square tests.