a. Left, domain I in ribbon representation. Right, superposition of Cry5B domain I (red) with domain I from Cry1 Aa (green), Cry2Aa (blue), Cry3Aa (yellow), Cry3Bb (orange), Cry4Aa (grey), Cry4Ba (magenta), and Cry8Ea1 (cyan), all in chain representation.
b. Left, domain II in ribbon representation, and right, superposition with domain II from other Cry proteins, as in panel a.
c. Left, Banana lectin in ribbon representation with bound glycans (yellow) boxed. Right, superposition of banana lectin (yellow), including glycans (laminaribiose), with Cry5B domain 2 (green), in chain representation.
d. Left, domain III in ribbon representation, and right, superposition with domain III from other Cry proteins, as in panel a.