Figure 3. Znf335 is essential for mouse development and is expressed in nuclei of progenitor cells.
(A) Location of genetrap insertion of two genetrap mice leading to early truncation of protein to mimic a null allele.
(B) Znf335 is expressed at E8.5 in developing forebrain (fb), midbrain (mb), somites (S), Branchial arch (ba), Forelimb bud (flb). Scale: 300μm.
(C) Western blot analysis of Znf335 protein expression throughout brain development. In the cortex, expression is highest at E13.5 before tapering off and returns slightly postnatally.
(D) Immunohistochemistry shows Znf335 expression in progenitor cells at E8.5 and in the ventricular zone of developing cortex and not in NeuN+ neurons at E12.5 and E14.5. Protein is also expressed throughout cortical plate later in development. Scale: 50, 50, 50, 400μm.
(E) Znf335 localizes to the nucleus, and colocalizes with euchromatin of progenitor cells in the ventricular zone of developing mouse brain, while Znf335 is excluded from heterochromatic foci. This colocalization disappears in cells in the M-Phase of the cell cycle. Scale: 10μm.
(F) Sparse expression of Znf335 in adult cerebral cortex. Scale: 100μm.
See also Fig S2.