Group II mGluRs regulate increase in Cx36 expression and neuronal death during different types of neuronal injury: epileptic seizures. Data from Western blot (A, B), RT-qPCR (C), MTT (D), and fura-2 Ca2+ imaging (E) experiments in wild-type mouse mature neuronal somatosensory cortical cultures are presented. Experimental conditions, drug concentrations, and analyses are the same as in ischemic experiments shown in Figures 1B, 2C, 8A, and 9A; however, because cultures were subjected to 4-aminopyridine (4AP) for 60 min (see Materials and Methods), the drug treatments were 30 min longer than during OGD. Statistical analysis was as follows: ANOVA with post hoc Tukey; shown relative to control (i) and nontreated plus 4AP (ii); n = 4–12 (A), 5–7 (B), 5 (C), and 6–8 (D) per group; data are shown as mean ± SEM. E, Administration of 4AP induces neuronal intracellular Ca2+ increases that represent seizure-like activity. The activity recordings of these three neurons are done simultaneously from one microscope field (data are representative for 76 neurons). Administration of 4AP is indicated by a bar above the recordings.