A molecular model for the Zasp52 high molecular weight isoform. Main panels, top: genomic region of Zasp52 with genomic coordinates. Exon organization is according to Katzemich et al. (25). The location of the sequence targeted by the 106177 RNAi line is indicated above exon 20. Coding sequences corresponding to the 37 peptides identified by LC-MS/MS are distributed between seven groups, P1-P7, and indicated above the exons. Groups P1 and P5 contain 2 peptides in each; group P2: 3 peptides; P3: 10 peptides; P4: 18 peptides; and groups P6 and P7: one peptide in each. Arrows indicate positions of transcription start sites. Below, from top to bottom: RT-PCR fragment E2-E16 containing exons 2–6, 8–10, 13, and 5′ part of exon 16; RT-PCR fragment E16-E20 containing exons 16 and 18–20; model for high molecular weight isoform of Zasp52 that corresponds to Z(210); exon 16 with the in-frame N-terminal FLAG-tag. Right panels: images of agarose gels containing RT-PCR fragments E2-E16 (upper) and E16-E20 (lower). Arrow points to the product corresponding to E2-E16, arrowheads show RT-PCR products representing partially spliced transcripts. Numbers represent band sizes in kb.