Sites selected for site-directed spin labeling in the CBD2 domain of CBD12 and their corresponding EPR spectra. The ribbon diagram of CBD2 is shown in green superimposed on the space filling model in the left panel (coordinates were from PDB 2QVM). The sites where single R1 spin-labeled side chains were incorporated are shown as solid spheres that are centered at the coordinates of the β-carbon of each residue. The spheres are color-coded to indicate changes in spin-labeled side chain mobility upon Ca2+ binding as follows: black, no change; bright red, substantial decrease; pale red, subtle decrease. The positions of the two Ca2+-binding sites are shown as small yellow spheres. The position of the F-G loop is shown schematically in dots. The purple ribbon diagram and space-filling model at the top are the apical portion of the CBD1 domain. The EPR spectra in the right panel are from sites in the central β-sandwich region and are shown as solid lines (no bound Ca2+) and dashed lines (saturating level of bound Ca2+). All spectra have been normalized to the same integrated signal intensity.