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. 2012 Dec 31;288(6):4405–4415. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M112.432344



CHOP binds to the Srebf1c and Cebpa promoter/enhancer regions. A, a scaled schematic of the Srebf1c promoter/enhancer region shows the TSS (arrow) along with the putative CHOP-binding region, which overlaps exon 1 (Ex 1) and contains the indicated C/EBPα-CHOP-like binding site. Non-matching bases are in boldface. The site overlaps the SREBF1c start codon, which is underlined. B, binding of CHOP to the Srebf1c 1-kb proximal promoter was analyzed by ChIP as described in the legend to Fig. 5A. ts43-ts157 denotes a region 43–157 bp downstream of the TSS and encompassing the putative C/EBPα-CHOP site. Binding is given relative to Chop−/− animals using a non-immune antibody. For comparison, CHOP binding to the Gadd34 promoter from the same experiment is shown (n = 4). **, p < 0.01; ***, p < 0.001. KO, knock-out. C, CHOP binding to a region ∼700 bp upstream of the Cebpa TSS is shown, along with a more distal region 4 kb upstream and an irrelevant genomic sequence (irrel) as negative controls and the Gadd34 promoter as a positive control (n = 4). NT, non-treated. D, wild-type animals were injected with Ad-Gfp or Ad-Chop as described in the legend to Fig. 4, and one group of Ad-Gfp-injected animals was treated with TM for 8 h to induce endogenous CHOP expression. Expression of CHOP and efficacy of TM treatment as determined by immunoblotting are shown. TRAPαCHO, glycosylated TRAPα. E, binding of CHOP to an irrelevant genomic region or to the ts43-ts157 region of the Srebf1 promoter was tested by ChIP in four animals per group from the experiment shown in D. *, p < 0.05.