Figure 3. .
Statistically significant differences with age. Regression lines fitted to the following equations with age referenced to 30 years and 95% CI for slope in brackets: lens thickness by ultrasound (mm): 3.67 + 0.031 × Age [0.019 to 0.042], P < 0.001; OCT (mm): 3.65 + 0.031 × Age [0.021 to 0.042], P < 0.001; and MRI (mm): 3.68 + 0.027 × Age [0.014 to 0.039], P < 0.001; anterior lens radius of curvature by phakometry (mm): 11.82 − 0.11 × Age [−0.17 to −0.05], P = 0.001; anterior chamber depth by ultrasound (mm): 3.85 − 0.029 × Age [−0.045 to −0.012], P = 0.001; and lens equivalent refractive index (RI) by phakometry: 1.457 − 0.001 × Age [−0.001 to 0.000], P = 0.002.