Fig. 1.
Proteomic analysis of TNBCs. Representative silver stained 2D-PAGE NEPHGE (upper left hand panel) and IEF (upper right hand panel) gels of proteins extracted from TNBC patient 22. The positions of the basal markers CK5, CK6, CK17, as well as Mage-A4, PHGDH, and D52 protein spots are indicated for reference. The framed areas in the gels, corresponding to the portions of the gels that contain these proteins, is shown enlarged in the lower panels of the figure, with the positions for the respective spots indicated. The position for each protein spot is marked by a cross, with SSP number (indicated by blue) and UniProt ID. SSP is a unique sample spot protein number assigned by the PDQuest software. Comprehensive information about 2D gel spot position, identity (protein name, UniProt, UniGene) as well as MALDI TOF characteristics is presented in Supplemental Figs. S1, and S2, and Supplemental Tables S1 and S2, respectively.