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. 2013 Feb 8;8(2):e56192. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0056192

Figure 7. Response of the chimeric zebrafish/mouse Kit receptors to zebrafish Kitlga and Kitlgb.

Figure 7

The COS-1 cells expressing zfKitaED/mKITID and zfKitbED/mKITID were treated with recombinant Kitlga (A) and Kitlgb (B) for 10 min followed by Western blot analysis for Kit phosphorylation. The control medium was from the CHO cells carrying the control plasmid pcDNA5/FRT. The expression plasmid pCMV-Script (Vector) was used as the control in the COS-1 cells. The densitometric analysis of the Western signals is shown at the bottom of each graph. The data were normalized to Bactin and expressed as the fold change compared to the first group (mean ± SEM, n = 3). Different letters indicate statistical significance (P<0.05). p-Kit, Kit phosphorylation; +, recombinant ligand proteins were added or cells were transfected with specific receptor plasmids; −, no recombinant ligands or transfection with receptor plasmids.