Fig. 2.
EGb 761upregulates HO1 in the CA-1 region of the hippocampus. Hippocampal sections (paraffin) of mice pretreated with EGb 761 for 7 days and subjected to eight-minutes of global ischemia were used in this immunofluorescence assay. (A) HO1 expression was visualized by immunofluorescent staining with specific rabbit polyclonal antibody for HO1, followed by secondary anti rabbit IgG antibody (red). DNA was stained blue (DAPI). (B) Robust upregulation of HO1 expression was observed in the hippocampus of mice pretreated with EGb 761 compared to vehicle. (C) Localization of HO1 was evaluated by double staining with CD-31 (endothelial cell marker) monoclonal antibody followed by secondary anti rat IgG (green). The arrows in the figure show overlapping of CD-31(green) on HO1 (red), thereby giving out yellow fluorescence. HO1 was observed to be expressed by endothelial cells. Magnified view, 60X; # vs. Sham; * vs. vehicle; p < 0.05.