Figure 2.
Final model showing only the significant (p<.05) relationships between key variables along with corresponding standardized coefficient values.
Note. WM = Working Memory, SS = Sensation Seeking, AWT = Acting Without Thinking, DD = Delay Discounting, AU = Alcohol Use frequency. Bold lines represent the three significant mediated effects [WM → IntAWT → IntAU; WM → IntAWT → SlpAU and WM → IntDD → SlpAU]. The effect of age, gender, pubertal development, race-ethnicity, SES, positive expectations of alcohol, friends’ approval of alcohol use, and perceived parental monitoring was covaried out (see Table 2). The residual errors of the intercepts of SS, AWT, and AU were allowed to correlate with the residual errors associated with their respective slopes. Dashed paths represent the significant correlations between residual errors (p<.10).