Tandem mass spectra for three cross-linked peptide precursor ions identified from cyt b5-CYP3A4 complex. Fragment ions with superscript “x” represent the cross-linked fragment ions. Ions marked with subscript α are from cyt b5, and ions with subscript β are from CYP3A4. Identified cross-linked residue pairs are linked by bold black lines. A. Ion [M+H]4+=976.4534 for holo b5: 48EQAGGDATENFEDVGHSTDAR68 - CYP3A4: 92TVLVKECYSVFTNR105. B. Ion [M+H]4+=930.9229 for holo b5:48EQAGGDATENFEDVGHSTDAR68-CYP3A4: 116SAISIAEDEEWKR128 . C. Ion [M+H]4+=501.2670 for holo b5: 35FLEEHPGGEEVLR47- 3A4: 419FSKK422. The measurement errors of the three ions are 0.2, 0.9, and 2.4 ppm, respectively.