Fig 3.
Influence of SeUS2-C on speed of kill and virus yield of occluded genotype mixtures. (A) Mean times to death (MTD) of SeUS2-WT, SeUS2-A, and co-occluded mixtures with 90% SeUS2-A and 10% SeUS2-C (9A + 1C), 75% SeUS2-A and 25% SeUS2-C (3A + 1C), and 50% SeUS2-A and 50% SeUS2-C (1A + 1C). Bars that are labeled with the same letter (a or b) were significantly similar. (B) OB yields of SeUS2-WT, SeUS2-A, and co-occlusions 9A + 1C, 3A + 1C, and 1A + 1C. The values above the bars indicate median values and those followed by the same letter (a or b) did not differ significantly for pairwise comparisons (Mann-Whitney test, P > 0.05).