Fig 1.
Restriction and PCR analyses of various plasmid DNAs from C. ljungdahlii. (A) Plasmid pCL1. Plasmid DNA was digested with HindIII and analyzed by agarose gel electrophoresis. Lane 1, plasmid preparation from E. coli which was transformed with a plasmid preparation from a C. ljungdahlii transformant; lane 2, plasmid used to transform C. ljungdahlii; lane L, 1-kb DNA ladders (New England BioLabs). (B) HindIII-digested pQexp. Lane 1, plasmid preparation from E. coli which was transformed with a plasmid preparation from a C. ljungdahlii transformant; lane 2, plasmid used to transform C. ljungdahlii; lane L, 1-kb DNA ladders. (C) Colony PCR amplification of the catP gene from pJIR750ai. Lane 1, a C. ljungdahlii transformant; lane 2, plasmid preparation from E. coli as the positive control; lane 3, C. ljungdahlii genomic DNA as a negative control; lane 4, no DNA as a negative control for the PCR amplification.