Figure 6. 12 hour IL-6 treatment alters H3K4me3 levels at many gene transcription start sites in rat forebrain culture.
(A) Following 12 hrs of IL-6 treatment, 33 genes demonstrated increased H3K4me3 levels ≥ 1.5-fold (149 ≥ 1.2-fold); 38 genes showed decreased levels ≤-1.5-fold (60 ≤-1.2-fold). The heatmap illustrates all IL-6 induced histone methylation changes ≥ 1.5-fold (red = increase relative to saline; blue = decrease). (B) The H3K4me3 profile from the UCSC genome browser for the Socs3 gene, which demonstrated the most robust and significant increase in methylation following 12 hrs of IL-6 treatment (fold-change = 3.2; p = 1.94−20). Note the atypical pattern of H3K4me3, which encompasses the entire Socs3 gene and surrounding region.