TABLE 2. Summary of the modified Voetsch neuroscores.
Test | Score |
3 | 2 | 1 | 0 | |
head movement (spontaneous) | moves in all dimensions | prefers 1 side | only to 1 side | flexed to 1 side |
lethargy (confrontation) | fully responsive | moderately responsive | minimally responsive | coma |
hearing (auditory startle) | finger rub | snap of fingers | loud clap | no startle |
pain reflex (ear pinch) | brisk & symmetrical reaction | slightly diminished or asymmetri- cal reaction |
greatly diminished & asymmetri- cal reaction |
no reaction |
corneal reflex (sensorimotor) | ||||
proprioception (vibrissae) | ||||
sensation (neck) | ||||
exploration (5 mins in cage) | reaches 2 walls | reaches 1 wall | moves along base | no movement |
circling (craniocaudal) | bilat turns | prefers 1 side | only to 1 side | falls to 1 side |
sensation (axial) | brisk & symmetrical reaction | slightly diminished or asymmetri- cal reaction |
greatly diminished & asymmetri- cal |
no reaction |
4-limb movement (outstretch) | equal bilat | slight asymmetry | great asymmetry | paresis |
forelimb movement (outstretch) | ||||
climbing (motor function) | climbs to top | impaired climbing | stationary grip | falls immediately |
beam (motor function) | explores both ends | some movement |