Fig. 2.
Alignment and location of polymorphisms in JESEBL/EBA-181, BAEBL, and EBA-175. Positions of polymorphism in JESEBL/EBA-181 (present study), BAEBL, and EBA-175 are highlighted in black. The F1 and F2 domains are indicated by arrows. Identical amino acids are shown with asterisks, the positions of conserved substitutions are shown with colons, the positions of semiconserved substitutions are shown by periods, and the positions of insertions/deletions are shown with hyphens. The sequence of region II of BAEBL is from the 3D7 clone (GenBank accession no. AF425236). The sequence of region II of JESBEL is from the 3D7 clone (GenBank accession no. AY496955). The sequence of region II of EBA-175 is from the Camp clone (GenBank accession no. X52524).