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. 2012 Aug 28;2:tre-02-82-472-2. doi: 10.7916/D8ST7NKK

Table 3. Described Pedigrees with Core Disease Characteristics.

Descent Genetics Origin, # Family Clinical Features
Additional Symptoms, Other Findings Summary
Tremor, Myoclonus
Seizure Type JLA g-SEP LLR EEG Imaging (cases) PA (cases)
Age at Onset (mean)
Asian 8q Japanese, 57, 8 18–45 maj >30 ? GTC + + + G-PSW, PPR, PSW, PMR atr (3) n.a. (>14) n.d. Classical phenotypeAge at onset at adulthoodInfrequent seizuresNo other neurological signsElectrophysiological abnormalities
n.d. Japanese, 352628,32,33,36,37,61,6366 16–70 maj >25 17–54 maj >30 GTC, Ph + + + PSW, PPR, SW, Sp atr (3)n.a. (25)inf (11) n.a. (4) Rare: nightblindness, behavioral arrest
Excl 2p, 8q Chinese, 12 5–?(34) ? GTC, M n.d. n.d. n.d. M, SW, PSWSlow waves13/? presymptomatic changes detected n.d. n.d. Schizophrenia in family Classical phenotype with earlier age of onset in the youngest generations
European 2p Italian, 71,4,6,911 11–50maj >20 12- 59maj >25 G, GTC, Ph, CP, M + + + Sp, SW, PPR, PMR, GPA, PSW, SW atr (3)n.a. (27) n.d. Visuospatial impairment; Eyelid twitching; Voice tremor; Cognitive impairment;TMS cortical hyperexcitability, normal sensorimotor integration Symptoms appear earlierComplex partial seizuresMild cognitive impairment
Also in presymptomatic 3/711Absent in 1 pedigree11
n.d. Italian, 138 12–57 5–18 GTC, Abs + + + Sp, SW, PPR atr (2) n.d.
Turkish, 135 29–? 30 GTC n.d. n.d. n.d. G-Sp, SW, PPR n.a. (1) n.d. Migraine
5p French, 13, 15, 30 10–47 (30.8) 24–41(29.1) GTC, Ph, CM, PS + + + Sp, PPR, PS n.d. n.d. Progression in gait symptoms; Dysarthria; Ophthalmic migraine; sensitivity to exercise;GTC preceding M (5/16); Later onsetNo cognitive impairmentGait disordersIndication of progression
Excl 2p, 8q Spanish, 15 30–60 (41) 30–67 (44.6) GTC + + + G-PSW n.a. (5) n.d. Childhood onsetPyramidal signsCerebellar dysfunctionFrequent seizuresCognitive impairmentProgression in symptoms
Dutch, 114, 16, 17, 22, 23 12–45 (23.5) 13–44 (43) GTC, M, Ph + + SW, PPR atr (2)n.a. (2) + (3) TMS cortical hyperexcitability; nystagmus slight cognitive decline
Italian, 113 3–12 23–34 GTC, CMPh + + + SW, PMR, Sp n.d. n.d Prominent photic induced myoclonus and epilepsy; changing symptoms with age; Mild axial ataxia; behavioral disorder
South African, 212Intermarriage between original inhabitants and European settlers 13–31 (20.9) ? GTC + + + Abnormal background,PSW, Sp atr (8)n.a. (2) + (1) Frequent seizures; cognitive impairment; signs of pyramidal and cerebellar dysfunction, progression in symptoms

Abbreviations: Abs, absence; atr , atrophy; CM, cortical myoclonus; CP, complex partial; EEG, electroencephalography; excl, excluded; G, generalized; GPA, generalized paroxysmal activity; G-SEP, giant sensory evoked potential; GTC, generalized tonic-clonic; inf, infarct; JLA, jerk locked averaging; LLR, long latency reflex; maj, majority; M, myoclonic; n.a., no abnormalities; n.d., not done; PA, pathology; Ph, photosensitivity; PMR, photomyoclonic response; PPR, photoparoxysmal responses; PSW, polyspike-wave complexes; PS, partial seizures; Sp, spikes; SW, spike-wave complexes; TMS, transcranial magnetic stimulation.

+, abnormal; –, normal; # family, number of described families; ?, not known;