Fig. 1.
Carbachol Dose-Response Displacement curves and Schild plot (inserts) for p-F-HHSiD, Effect on Bladder Strips From Chronic Spinal Cord Injured Rats in-vitro. Each curve represents the average responses of muscle strip preparations expressed as the percent of each individual strip’s maximal carbachol response. These maximal responses (average g ± S.E.M.) for SPV SCI bladders were 2.5±0.3 for control (n=15); 3.1±0.3 (n=14) and 2.2±0.2 (n=14) for 0.3 and 3 μM p-F-HHSiD respectively. The maximal responses for NV SCI bladder strips were 2.4± 0.3 for control (n=17); 2.7±0.3 (n=6), 2.1± 0.2 (n=11), 2.6±0.5 (n=13) and 2.5± 0.6 (n=8) for 0.1, 0.3, 3, and 10 μM p-F-HHSiD respectively. There was no significant difference in maximum between groups.