Figure 2.
Direct presentation of mitochondrial or membrane-bound PCC by TECs is sufficient for negative selection, but differs in its requirement for autophagy. (a) Subset composition of antigen non-tg (no Ag), ePCC, or mPCC thymi 4–6 wk after transplantation into AND × Ciita−/− recipients. The mean frequency ± SD of CD4SP cells (top row) and of AND-TCR+ cells (Vα11+Vβ3+) among gated CD4SP thymocytes (bottom row) is indicated. Data are representative of ≥11 chimeras per group. (b) Subset composition of WT × Atg5−/−, ePCC × Atg5−/−, or mPCC × Atg5−/− thymi 4–6 wk after transplantation into AND × Ciita−/− recipients. The mean frequency ± SD of CD4SP cells (top row) and of AND+ cells (Vα11+Vβ3+) among gated CD4SP thymocytes (bottom row) is indicated. Data are representative of ≥10 chimeras per group. (c) Frequencies of CD4SP Vα11+Vβ3+ cells among total thymocytes in a and b. (d) Relative abundance of the respective tg mRNA in purified total TECs from ePCC and mPCC tg thymi on Atg5+/− or Atg5−/− background as determined by qPCR. TECs were isolated from grafted E14-16 thymi 4–5 wk after transplantation into WT recipients. Values (arbitrary units; AU) are normalized to expression in TECs from ePCC Atg5−/− thymi and indicate the mean ± SD from three independent biological replicates.