Figure 2.
SPARC expression increased during TKIs therapy. (a) Expression of SPARC was performed by qRT-PCR in PBMCs of 12 CML patients at diagnosis (D) and during TKIs treatment; D vs 12 M: p<0.002. White circles: IM-treated patients; black squares: NI-treated patients; gray triangles: alternating NI/IM treated patients. Results are expressed with respect to HC. (b) Analysis of SPARC expression in PBMCs of 3 CML patients (pt) at D and during IM therapy by western blotting. The optical density of the bands was measured using Scion Image software. Results represent the mean of three indipendent experiments; error bars denote S.D. (c) Protein levels decreased after interruption of IM therapy (12 M) and increased after IM was restarted (24 M). Results represent the mean of three indipendent experiments; error bars denote S.D.