Figure 4.
Injection of AD brain-derived Aβ leads to lower synapse density and changes in synaptic structure in CA1 field of hippocampus. Animals were injected icv with 10 μl of AD or ID-AD sample 1 h post-training and brains collected after completion of the 48 h recall test. Representative microphotographs of the lacunosum-molecular layer of CA1 hippocampus of (A) animals injected with ID-AD sample and (B) with AD sample. The scale bar of 1 μm applies to all images. PST – pre-synaptic terminal, PSD – post-synaptic density, P – pits, vacuoles highlighted by arrowheads. Quantitative electron microscopy of lacunosum-molecular layer of CA1 field revealed reduction in synapse density (C, t13=2.322, *p<0.05) and smaller PST diameters (E, t13=2.645, *p<0.05), without significant change in the size of synaptic clefts (D, p>0.05). PSD density tended to be higher in the AD group than in the ID-AD group, but this difference did not reach significance (F, p=0.094). Values are expressed as mean ± standard deviation and the group sizes are indicated on each histogram.