Table 5. Gray matter volumetric correlates of childhood maltreatment.
Mask | Hemisphere | Anatomical Area | Volume (μl) | X | Y | Z | Voxelwise Stats: Mean (SD) | Extracted rho (sig) † | ΔR2(sig.) † | Group Diff. † | |
T | p | T, p | |||||||||
ROI | -- | No significant associations | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- |
WB | L | Middle Temporal Gyrus/Superior Temporal Gyrus/Insula (m) |
7200 | −52 | 1 | −13 | 2.57(0.36) | 0.020(0.013) | 0.523(0.002) | 0.212(0.006) | 2.057, 0.048 |
WB | R | Inferior Occipital Gyrus/Middle Occipital Gyrus/Lingual Gyrus/Cuneus (−) |
7064 | 14 | −90 | 0 | −2.58(0.38) | 0.021(0.014) | −0.664(<0.001) | 0.419(<0.001) | −2.930, 0.006 |
WB | R | Precentral Gyrus/Postcentral Gyrus (−) |
4504 | 37 | −13 | 39 | −2.78(0.61) | 0.018(0.014) | −0.691(<0.001) | 0.371(<0.001) | −5.663, <0.001 |
WB | L | Precentral Gyrus/Postcentral Gyrus (−) |
3992 | −46 | −12 | 37 | −2.57(0.39) | 0.021(0.013) | −0.540(0.001) | 0.371(<0.001) | −3.401, <0.001 |
WB | R | Middle Frontal Gyrus/Superior Frontal Gyrus (−) |
3968 | 31 | 49 | 19 | −2.54(0.36) | 0.022(0.013) | −0.690(<0.001) | 0.423(<0.001) | −5.423, <0.001 |
Cluster coordinates are for cluster center of mass as defined by Talairach stereotactic space; Negative (−) signs following anatomical area indicate a negative relationship; Extracted rho is the spearman's correlation of extracted gray matter volume and Childhood Trauma Questionnaire total score; AR2 represents the change in full model R2 and significance from inclusion ofCTQ total score in a post-hoc regression of extracted cluster GM volumes against other model factors; Group Diff column represents the post-hoc t-test (High CM vs. Low CM) of extracted gray matter volumes based upon a median split oflPV-PTSD sample into low and high CM-exposure groups; Descriptors for anatomical areas do not reflect stereotactic distinctions, but are estimates based upon the relative location of activation on the group map; Statistics with a † indicate a circular estimate and therefore may be inflated estimates of the true population parameter; L=left; m=middle; R=right; ROI=region of interest; WB=whole-brain.