Figure 2.
Effect of Nodal knockdown on transcript levels. Fold-difference of transcript abundance was calculated between experiment and control; 1-fold difference corresponds to no change. Negative values indicate lower transcript abundance in experiment compared to control. Each diamond represents a single experiment. Genes not significantly expressed (<50 transcripts/embryo) in treated and control embryos are marked with an open white circle. Genes not tested are marked with a slash. Dashed lines indicate threshold for significant changes. Fold differences of more than 10 fold are shown as 10 fold. Oral NSM genes—dark blue, aboral NSM genes—green, ectoderm genes—grey, endoderm genes—light blue. A, B) The first genes affected are the known Nodal targets bmp2/4, chordin, lefty, and nodal. D) At 24 hpf the transcript levels of all genes expressed specifically and exclusively in oral NSM are significantly reduced.