Spatial expression patterns of nodal and not. A) At 12 hpf nodal is expressed on the entire oral side of the ectoderm but is excluded from the endomesodermal tier in the vegetal half (black arrow in A marks the ectoderm/endomesoderm boundary; white arrowthe endomesoderm/SM boundary). D, E) prox1 and nodal are separated by the endoderm (between arrowheads). F–H) The not expression domain spans the entire oral side of the embryo and borders foxQ2 expressing cells apically (arrow in F) and alx1 expressing cells in the SM (arrow in G). J) gcm expression clears from not expressing, oral NSM cells. Arrowheads in J’ mark the boundaries of the not expression domain. L) At 24 hpf not expression has faded in the NSM and is restricted to ectoderm (arrowhead). M, N) Treatment of embryos with DAPT at 3 hpf interferes with Delta signaling from the SM and prevents activation of mesodermal genes. DAPT treatment does not affect expression of not in the NSM. Asterisks mark the vegetal pole. Unless otherwise noted embryos are presented in a lateral view with their oral side to the left. VV – vegetal view, AV – apical view, OV – oral view. O) Scheme summarizing the spatial expression of not and NSM genes.