Figure 4.
To demonstrate the degree of volume loss exhibited by TBI patients in different structures, values were extracted from 3mm spherical ROIs in several key regions at the same coordinates in each subject’s Jacobian maps. These values were converted to percentages and averaged. Second interval volume loss is shown as a percentage change from total volume at visit 2, and therefore total volume loss in a structure within a group for the study duration is equal to the sum of volume loss in the structure during each of the two intervals. ILF= inferior longitudinal fasiculus, SLF= superior longitudinal fasiculus. Control 1= average percentage regional volume change among control participants during interval 1, Control 2= average percentage regional volume change among control participants during interval 2, TBI 1= average percentage regional volume change among TBI patients during interval 1, TBI 2= average percentage regional volume change among TBI patients during interval 2.